The age of the universe

It has been scientifically proven that the universe was created 13.5 billions years ago, what do you think of this statement?

Astronomers estimate the age of the universe in two ways:
1) by looking for the oldest stars; and
2) by measuring the rate of expansion of the universe and extrapolating back to the Big Bang; just as crime detectives can trace the origin of a bullet from the holes in a wall.

Could it be possible that the age of the universe is also found in the Quran?
Well, let"s take a look at two verses:

1) "the angels and the spirit ascend unto Him in a day, the measure of which was fifty thousand years." 70:4
This verse refers to the ascent of angels and the spirit (meant to be Gabriel) back to heaven after settling all matters of life in the universe.
The verse clearly said a day that "was" and not a day that "is", which clearly indicates that that day was in the past (50,000 years ago).

2) "…a day relative to your God is equivalent to a thousand years of your count." 22:47
With a few simple equations:
If 1 day (for God) = 1000 years (for man)
1 year (for God) = 1000 x 365 (for man)
= 365,000 years
50,000 years (for God) = 365,000 x 50,000 (for man)
= 18.25 billion!

The 50,000 years mentioned in verse 1 are meant to be of God's years and not of man. This is because man was not mentioned at all in that verse, and more importantly because the subject of the verse (creation of the universe) is obviously a matter executed by God and not by man and, so, its description must also be as related to God and not to man.

This becomes evident when we compare this verse to other verses that clearly speak of years as related to man's count, like the verse:

"…on a day, the measure of which was a thousand years of your count." 32:5

Allah knows better

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