Why we must remove our foreskin ?

God created us. So he gave men foreskin. Why does he want us to remove them ? And women are created with lots of pubic hair when they grow older. Why is it better for them to shave it ? Why do we have to remove something natural ? But we can't 'meratakan' our teeth. Why ? -.-

Why does ?
Because it has a lot of benefits
But i know you don't want that reason

I have asked a lot of my friends
And this is the best answer
Why you cut your hair ?
Why u potong kuku ?
Why u korek hidung ?

Semua untuk kebersihan
Allah mahu melatih kita menjaga kebersihan
Same goes to pubic hair
Who said that we can't meratakan our teeth ?
If it is a disease,or make u hard to chew a food,so u can
But if u just want to make it look beautiful, so it is forbidden
simple as a b c
and these make me love Islam more :)
Allah knows better

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